Transform Your Life With EFT Tapping!
Conquer self-sabotage
Ignite your body's natural ability to heal itself
If you set personal goals and never seem to reach them,
then you've got some level of resistance. Yet resistance to what exactly?
After all, your goal is something you actually want.
When you take a moment to tune in and investigate what gets you to bail
on your goals and aspirations in the first place, you begin to
shift the inner struggles you have with yourself.
Self-awareness is a game changer and the key to lasting transformation.
People who benefit the most from our programs are:

Ready to restore their belief in their abilities to get what they want

Empowering themselves to take an accelerated route in pursuit of their goals

Adventuresome enough to explore and develop new skills

Determined to break through any mindset blocks on their journey

Yearning to realize their dreams
OR simply get starting transforming your life
by purchasing one of the eBooks below.

For many of us on the planet, we’ve been made to believe that we are unworthy, unlovable, not good enough, and incapable. Usually, those limiting beliefs and others got lodged in our subconscious mind somewhere in childhood or adolescence and formed the foundation of the self-image we have of ourselves today. And until we acknowledge what’s lying beneath our feelings of self-worth, those limiting beliefs will often get us to resort to self-defeating patterns and habits as we proceed toward a goal, any goal. We will also have a hard time accepting as true the positive affirmations we are declaring such as:
I deeply and completely accept myself.
I love myself.
I forgive myself.
I deem myself worthy.
I am a good person.
I am capable.
Because what’s in your mindset matters, it’s essential that you tune in and investigate the limiting beliefs you have about yourself. Knowledge is power, and when you know yourself, you can free yourself from the constraints of your subconscious mind so that it’ll be all green lights on the journey to reaching your goals. Self-awareness is a game changer and the key to lasting transformation. It’s the only way you’ll truly be able to fire your inner critic, conquer self-sabotage, and shift the inner struggles you have with yourself.
Tuning Up Your Mindset will allow you to swiftly and easily transform 60 internal mindset barriers that every human on the planet is confronted with. And when you move beyond your internal resistance, you'll boost your self-confidence and restore your faith in your abilities to get what you want.
To buy the eBook, click here.
At this point in your life, you may have spent years trying to achieve your goals and invested a significant amount of your hard-earned money in all sorts of books, products, seminars, gym memberships, alternative therapies, coaching, and expert opinions to obtain your objective…pretty much to no avail if you are now reading this.
The pursuit of goals certainly stimulates many sectors of the global economy. However, the reality is that the majority of people on the planet never reach their personal goals, be it New Year’s resolutions or any garden-variety goal one might set. Only a mere 8% actually accomplish what they set out to do.
For the part of you that believes those people have more willpower than you or that they recite more positive affirmations, know that you give yourself a real chance to put an end to resistance when you tune in and investigate what contributes to your self-sabotaging behaviors. Awareness of what gets you to bail on your goal in the first place lets you gently get to the heart of the matter. Without awareness, your goals and aspirations will continue to elude you.
The Secondary Payoff will show you how the goal beyond your goal is driving your actions and currently hindering your progress toward your goal.
Coming soon!
eBook will be available Dec. 2025
Here at EFT tapping Guru you'll get:

Straightforward tools to help you transform sabotaging behaviors so you can succeed;

The capability to turn anxiety, worry, and nervousness into nirvana, as well as the ability to transform doubts and other limiting beliefs into empowered action steps;

The skills to align your goals with other areas of your life that require your time; and

Free EFT tapping scripts to get you started immediately. Just be sure to tune in to the Thrive 3.0 Podcast.

PLUS: You can select from and purchase numerous eBooks and audiobooks to aid you in your transformation.
The potential advantages for you are:
Save Precious Time
and Energy
That way you’ll have
the freedom to do more of what you love to do
New Strategies
To transcend limiting thoughts and feelings
Desire to Revive
Former Goals
And give them
a fresh start now
Boosting and Restoring Your Confidence
So you’ll feel flexible with whatever comes your way
Peace of Mind
By knowing the steps to reach your goals