Health & Mindset
Tune in to your inner wisdom and restore your well-being

What’s offered on this specific web page are holistic healing concepts to approach
your health issues from a self-empowered, hope-filled mindset.
HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE: Cynthia Magg is not a licensed health professional.
Therefore, you must take complete responsibility for your own health and you
SHOULD CONSULT a qualified healthcare professional regarding your use
of any materials and concepts found on this website.

Few of us, if any, like to be sick or in pain of any kind.
And when we happen to be feeling under the weather, dealing with a health issue,
or resurfacing from an accident/injury/surgery, we want to be permanently and
quickly restored to optimal health with the most rapid and gentlest method possible.
Luckily, our bodies have innate powers to heal and the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself do play a role in your recovery. On the road back to wellness, it’s important to move beyond feeling that you did something wrong to deserve this situation or that you are simply a victim of circumstances.

When you are presented with a physical condition or ailment in your body, you have an opportunity to become a health detective and look inward at aspects of your life that may not be working the way that you hoped they would. You can become curious enough to discover the subtle ways the mind, emotions, and body work together to produce dis-ease and hinder recovery, from the momentary flash of negative thinking to the chronic physical conditions that impact the quality of your daily life.

A health crisis is the body’s way of expressing itself and informing you that energy is blocked and suppressed in your physical form. You already know that over the years, you’ve learned to suppress your emotions, unwanted thoughts, dreams, and traumatic events. Growing up, you may not have had much choice other than to suppress. So use this moment to begin to shower your inner child with self-compassion for surviving to this point. And give yourself permission to feel empowered enough to head down a new path...a path that can be paved with grace and ease if you let it.
It's to your advantage to become aware of and get some clarity about
Three Obstacles To Recovery
so that your restoration to a healthy state may be permanent.
Transforming Those Obstacles
As a small child, you hopefully had caregivers and people in your life who offered comfort
or distracted you until physical hurts, emotional aches, or an illness went away. Sometimes all it took was
a band-aid and a kiss to make you feel better. A treat or favorite food may have been given
to stop your crying, comfort you when you were sick, or sugarcoat a visit to the dentist/doctor’s office.
Now when you have a health problem or experience pain of any kind, you might engage in behavior
or make choices to comfort yourself that sabotage your efforts to get better,
especially if there is no one around to distract you.
Consciously, you want your body to be well again, yet your stronger subconscious mind is only concerned
with any BENEFITS you get in your interpersonal relationships from being sick or injured. Plus, your current health condition simultaneously triggers a cascade of CONDITIONED REACTIONS that can affect every aspect of your daily life. There may even be a part of you that feels like GIVING UP and may be afraid to prove the experts wrong. Rather than being cured and giving your body permission to heal, it might seem easier to expect the worst and resign yourself to this affliction for the rest of your life.
If you want to set the wheels in motion to get out of your current health conundrum,
click on an image below to see if that's part of what is triggering any resistance
and driving any self-defeating patterns.

When you get sick, are injured, or require surgery, it may be the only time that you:
Ask for help
Allow others to assist you
Say 'No' to the requests of others
Let yourself rest and/or get more sleep
If you are unwell and your health isn’t improving or injuries are not healing as predicted or expected, a part of you may subconsciously resist getting better. This can happen primarily if aspects of your daily life have improved on some level, which may include anything on the list below:
You don’t have to go to work or school.
People start spending more time with you or paying more attention to you.
People are more loving or kinder to you. Those same people (at home, work, school, or in your social networks and interpersonal relationships) may also be less confrontational, less antagonist, or less argumentative.
Your significant other, family, friends, co-workers, or some other person altogether has taken over any chores and responsibilities you had for cooking, cleaning, shopping, chauffeuring, taking out the trash, doing yard work, any job-related tasks, etc.
Family members may even help out financially or finally step up and get a job so that they can help pay the bills while you are under the weather.
To date, you may have been totally unaware of any of the items mentioned. Yet now that you have read them, you have an opportunity to understand what may be motivating you or not motivating you to get better. You may have no desire or incentive to get healthy if you cannot imagine your life improving when you are well. OR that when you are better that you will have the courage to tell people to be nicer to you or to take some responsibilities off your to-do list.
Because we humans are reliant on our social networks and influenced by our interpersonal relationships, allow yourself to safely discover what may be driving the subconscious obstacles to your recovery, so that you can swiftly move beyond them and reclaim radiant health.

Conditioned Reactions
Habits help us get through our days; yet what most people don’t realize is that behind each and every one of our habits lurks an element of shame.
This includes habits that you consider good and bad, as currently related to personal hygiene, health and healing, food and eating, emotional reactions, social manners, sleeping, studying, working, driving, finances and saving, etc. To get you to comply with their wishes, rules, and ways of doing things in childhood, your parents and authority figures EITHER praised your conduct and told you that you were a good child OR they shamed your behavior and said you were a bad child.
From those two extremes, your habits formed, not only from repeated practice, yet also frequently motivated by an underlying fear of being punished—spoken or implied. To get your daily doses of love and attention from the key people in your life, you may have subconsciously opted to fluctuate between ‘good habits’ and ‘bad habits’ depending on what got you the most attention.
Many things that you have read on health infer or blatantly state that your ‘bad habits’ are causing you to be sick. Your habits are neither good, nor bad; they are simply your conditioned reaction to the people, events, and situations occurring in your life.
When you use your habits to deal or not deal with aspects of your life, the habits that you consider ‘bad’ often become compulsions, those irresistible, uncontrollable urges that seem to have gained in strength as you’ve aged or from the more you’ve tried to suppress them. If you feel powerless to give up or transform your ‘bad’ habits, be gentle with yourself. What makes modifying habits a bit challenging is that the shame and fear underneath them need to be addressed first for transformation to be lasting.
On your healing journey, you will discover just how strong and resilient you and your body are. And once you begin to understand the components of your behavior and stimuli, you allow another layer of shame to be safely and easily removed from your mindset. Less shame, means less guilt—the byproduct of which is less need to seek out distractions and less desire to comfort, numb, or punish yourself with food and other substances.

Giving Up
Each person has different things that can trigger them and drag them down into the pit of despair, that dark place in our minds where we feel like giving up. For some people, this can also include a ‘no will to live’ or a strong desire to no longer be alive, especially if their condition seems insurmountable or hopeless. Rather than being cured and giving their body permission to heal, it might seem easier to expect the worst.
As you try to address a health issue, you may not be open to the possibility that an expert, authority figure, or loved one could be wrong about what you and your body are capable of achieving. You could have absolutely no desire to dredge up the past or admit that your suppressed emotions are affecting your health in some way. You might be skeptical and resistant about investing your time and effort to get better. You may even feel that you make too many other sacrifices in your life and that you don’t want to change anything as far as your diet and lifestyle are concerned. Also, you may have already chosen to accept that some things will never change or that an issue cannot be resolved. Therefore, it is in your best interest to become more aware of any ‘ringtones’ playing in your head that are similar to the following:
‘Nothing ever works out for me.’
‘My life is too difficult/too painful.’
‘Everything is too much of a struggle.'
'It's too depressing to even think about it.'
'It's too overwhelming to deal with.'
‘Nothing out there can cure this/fix this.’
‘I will just have to live with this affliction.’
‘I’m already such a burden to my loved ones.’
‘It would just be easier if I wasn’t here.’
'I don't have anything to look forward to.'
‘No one is ever around when I really need them.’
‘People aren’t sincere when they offer to help me.'
‘No one else I know believes I can get better.’
'It's not possible for me to get better.'
‘Even the experts say it’s impossible.’
‘Experts are never wrong.’
‘I’m tired of making sacrifices.’
‘Even if I get better, everything else in my life would still be the same.’
'I don't have any hope for a different future.'
If you resonate with any of those ringtones, that’s a great place to start. For when you know what your thoughts are, it becomes easier to transform your mindset with EFT tapping, so that you’ll have the motivation and energy necessary to shift your current state of health and take the steps toward healing your body.
Do you want 1-on-1 support and guidance on your healing journey?
Then apply to work directly with Cynthia by clicking here.

Sometimes, the journey to well-being can seem long and full of delays—many of which we can do nothing about.
...the one area you have control of shifting is your conscious resistance to getting better.
And that now includes transforming any of the three obstacles mentioned above:
Benefits, Conditioned Reactions, and Giving Up.

Another reason you may resign yourself to the status quo of an existing health condition is that a part of you believes that you don’t deserve to get better. That you are unworthy on some level. And it’s your feelings of self-worth that are triggering your resistance and causing you to sabotage your efforts.
As each person is unique, there could be many other factors that are negatively influencing and preventing healing from taking place in your body.
And while you may derive a variety of psychological benefits in your interpersonal relationships from being unwell, there are significant costs to your current state of health which could include:
the financial out-of-pocket expenses for you to stay unhealthy or unhealed
your free time getting eaten up by going to all the appointments related to your health issue
how you stop participating in life, especially the activities you love to do)
your dependency and possible addiction to meds (legal and illegal) and other substances to manage any pain or symptoms associated with your particular ailment

The desire to get well puts you in a dilemma of sorts,
since any perceived benefits and costs will be at odds with one another.

To start to move beyond that internal conflict, take a moment to answer the following:
Do you want to say 'adios' to your inner critic and learn to be more compassionate toward yourself?
Are you ready to free up blocked energy in your body and feel emotionally lighter so that you can enjoy your life and have the time to do all the things you love to do?
Do you want to empower yourself and transform aspects of your mindset to see how that affects and shifts what’s going on in your physical body and with your current state of well-being?
Even if no one else will, would you be willing to deem yourself worthy to reach your goals and feel better?
Do you want to have an easier way to safely express your emotions, let go of stress, feel less anxious all the time, and gracefully move through and beyond whatever life sends your way?
As you can now see, there are a few things for you to ponder on your road to wellness.
Radiant health and healing are yours for the taking and some part of you already knows
that you are inherently worthy to receive them and are fully capable of doing so.

You are encouraged to make this day unlike any other
and take the steps to allow aspects of your life to get better
by exploring what EFT tapping can do for you.

Click the image below to read about
what others have experienced with EFT tapping
and working with Cynthia.
Don't have the time to waste sitting on the sidelines
Are tired of being in physical and emotional pain
Have tried everything else
connect with Cynthia
to start your healing journey
by clicking here.