Weight & Mindset
Befriend your body and shrink your waistline

Are you investing all your time and energy into losing weight and never getting anywhere?

Have you thought lately that you'll have to stay on a diet forever to stay thin?

Do you have episodes of out-of-control eating or eating in secret?

Are you unhappy with aspects of your life and surrounded by drama?

Do you suffer from insecurities, anxiety, and low self-esteem?

Still waiting for the perfect time to get in shape?
If you are sick and tired of struggling with your weight and are ready to:

Shed pounds in a relaxed manner

Be more confident and handle things better

Have the life you've been chasing after

Make an investment in your well-being

Shape your own destiny

Feel in control of your life
Then select a level of support below and get your transformation started!
EFT tapping guru programs and results are dependent on you getting honest with yourself,
really honest about what's not working in your life and what you want to transform.
It also requires you to take action, to tap on a consistent basis, and be open to change and new ways of looking at things in your life.
The Slenderize Your Body Programs are not a diet and do not tell you what to eat.
Instead, they complement and supplement every diet plan and exercise program out there and can even replace a diet.
Plus, you don't have to be on a diet to do these programs—you just have to want to shed your excess pounds
and keep them off for good.
[NOTE TO MEN: The Slenderize Your Body programs are designed primarily for women.
Most of what is discussed is gender-neutral, yet does include 'girl talk' like 'skinny jeans', 'being thinner', and 'feeling beautiful'.
If you want 1-on-1 support tailored to you as a man, then apply to work directly with Cynthia by clicking here.

Bronze Level Support
Thrive 1.0 Audio Series

Silver Level Support
Thrive 1.0 Audio Series
30 Daily Weight & Mindset Awareness Emails
and EFT Tapping Phrases
Thrive 1.0
Audio Series

Puts your brain on a new road to reach your goals
Aligns your mindset for lasting transformation
Gives you the best chance to succeed!
New to EFT tapping...or simply sitting on the fence
about which Slenderize Your Body program to choose?
At present, you may spend your days trying to be strong amid a sea of
temptation while others freely eat what they want. Or you may reach for
comfort foods to help you get through your stress-filled days and resist dieting,
since you feel you make enough sacrifices in other areas of your life.
Plus, you know from previous dieting experiences that getting through
the first week of a new diet can be as challenging as making
it all the way to your weight-loss goals.
You give yourself a real chance to put an end to any self-sabotaging behaviors
when you tune in to the knowledge of your inner self and discover what has
led to your issues with weight in the first place. Awareness, along with
acceptance, lets you gently get to the heart of the matter
with your relationship with food.
To facilitate you easily communicating with and then swiftly unraveling the
resistant parts of your mind and hidden parts of your heart that feel
unsafe or unsure about losing weight, EFT tapping is used.
When your subconscious needs for safety and love are addressed,
a transformation occurs and you begin to realize and express other kinds of
nourishment you also crave. Mental and physical energies are then freed up,
and your emotion-driven eating is then given a chance to finally slow down or
completely stop, which allows the pounds to melt off for good!
Transform Root Issues
Eating sure gives a lot of pleasure and fun, whereas dieting frequently only seems to give us pain and endless work.
Besides, no one really wants to go on a diet in the first place!
As humans, it's natural for us to seek pleasure and to avoid pain at any and all costs. And that's why almost every diet or exercise program immediately triggers resistance and self-sabotaging behaviors from the get-go.
Consciously, you want your body to lose weight, yet your stronger subconscious mind is only concerned with SAFETY and steering clear of PAIN of any kind. Trying to protect you from hurt, the inward cinema of your subconscious mind imagines all the possible worst-case scenarios of what could happen
in all your interpersonal RELATIONSHIPS if you do or don't lose weight.
If you want to set the wheels in motion to get out of your current conundrum with food,
click on a root image below to see if that's part of what is driving your self-defeating patterns today.

Since you already know that weight loss really isn't about the food,
it's to your waistline's advantage to get some clarity about
Three Key Areas
you need to be aware of when trying to get in better shape.
Some Part Of You Already Knows That
At The Heart Of The Platter...
..are all the non-food related issues that are eating at you and weighing you down.
And when you get to the heart of the matter and discover what you are truly starving for,
you give yourself power and permission to leave the land of dieting & let go of the weighty concerns about your weight.
Then, you will finally get your dream body back or reach your ideal weight—and keep the pounds off for good!
Some Part Of You Also Knows That
You Can Subject Yourself To Another Diet
OR You Can Finally...
Get honest with yourself about what leads to snacking or bingeing on sweet or salty band-aid distractions
Transform the resistance activated by 30 bite-sized word triggers in every dieter's daily vocabulary
Have some great resources in your self-help toolkit that let you feel more in control, especially when you are anxious or stressed
Allow your mind to become your friend again and make healthier choices
If comfort foods help you get through your day or you are tired of feeling
deprived and hopeless about the excess pounds on your body,
then you'll want to read Getting to The Heart Of The Platter.
This unique book offers you a new approach to weight loss and
lets you tune in to the knowledge of your Higher-Self,
so you'll easily overcome your internal barriers to success.
Getting To The Heart Of the Platter is meant to be used in conjunction
with the Slenderize Your Body series of EFT tapping books and
the 101 Affirmations For Weight Loss series.

Give your waistline a real chance to reveal the more slender version of
you that lies just beneath the surface by empowering yourself with this
holistic approach that lets you leave the weight-loss struggle behind
while still enjoying favorite foods.
Click the pdf icon below to get a taste of
Getting To The Heart Of The Platter
and read the first 3 chapters of the book.
Additional Tapping Resources
'Even Though'
Clearing Phrases
mp3 Recordings
There are various recordings
to select from.
Add them to your shopping cart.
The weight-loss declarations in these EFT tapping books are meant to transform your state of mind.
Continued positive reinforcement allows you to tune in to a higher frequency and focus on swiftly and easily achieving yours goals.
Affirmations are needed in a 3 to 1 ratio with the 'Even though' clearing phrases that are the basis of EFT Tapping.
EFT helps you get the resistant parts of your subconscious mind fully on board,
so that you'll keep celebrating yourself and your accomplishments.
On your journey toward the finish line, you will feel inspired and motivated
to confidently declare to the universe just what it is that you want.
There are 101 affirmation in each Volume in the Affirmations Series.
Success is within your reach! The power to transform your life and shrink your waistline is in your own two hands!

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'Even Though' Clearing Phrases
Purchase eBooks and audiobooks by clicking
on the links provided under each book cover.
You will be redirected to either Amazon or Audible.
Happy tapping!
The 'Even though' clearing phrases have been designed to neutralize subconscious resistance and self-sabotaging behaviors,
as well as lessen your anxiety as you transform your relationship with food. To reveal the more slender version of you that lies just
beneath surface, do one tapping script a day—or go at your own pace. Each script only takes about 3 to 5 minutes.
Yet there is a lot to chew on in each script, so give yourself the time to digest it
by choosing the speed at which you want to devour the contents of each book.
If you have a tendency to binge, you may want to tap before you start eating to lessen the anxiety and other emotions that are
percolating just below the surface. Your Weight Loss Discovery Journey entails continuing to identify and neutralize what triggers
you to reach for food to soothe or numb yourself, especially when you are not hungry. It also involves utilizing EFT tapping to transform
any conscious and subconscious resistance you have to shedding your excess pounds.
EFT provides you with a healthy way to easily recognize and safely process all your emotions, especially suppressed and unwanted
feelings. EFT tapping is also a great way to reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, as well as boost your self-confidence and
energy level to keep moving forward to reach your goals.
NOTE: These books contain EFT tapping scripts ONLY.

EFT Tapping Scripts Along With Blogposts

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