When you set a goal, any goal, it just doesn’t end there. Some part of you believes that the attainment of your goal is going to give you something else…or maybe several other things.
Because of the way we got raised and conditioned by the society we live in, our wants and desires are layered with expectations. In the pursuit of your goal, you may hope to feel confident, powerful, or in control of yourself and others. Or maybe you simply want respect and recognition.
The list of possible expectations is endless. And how you envision your life changing for the better is unique to you and based on events that have transpired in your life since childhood. Normally, at the core of every goal is the wish for more time and attention from key people in your life, which really boils down to wanting to be loved. Hence, you set goals and make resolutions to prove you are worthy of receiving that adoration.
Take a moment now to reflect on what you secretly hope to attain by reaching your goal. For with that type of self-awareness, you begin to understand what’s truly motivating you.